Want to make decisions more easily and with less stress?
For someone who encourages saying no, I've said yes a lot this past week. The key is that all of my yeses have been in alignment with my big YES. Do you know what yours is?
So how do I decide what's a yes and what's a no? For years, I've used a free tool called the Body Pendulum to break free from the mental gymnastics and ask my body so I can choose with ease instead of stress, internal conflict, and fear. Would you like some of that? I'll be making a video for you soon!
In addition to coaching clients one-on-one, I’ve been putting myself out there more for speaking engagements and self-care workshops for organizations.
My focus is on “Self-care for the Givers of the World,” or those of us who are so good at taking care of everyone else that we sometimes neglect ourselves. Yeah, I thought you might resonate with that. ;-)
Here's what I've been up to:
- At our local Indivisible Women meeting as part of the Nourish to Flourish team, I talked about magnifying your big YES by creating space with your no and shared one of my favorite tools that helps me make decisions: the Body Pendulum.
- I was a guest on KVMR’s vegan radio show, talking about feeling better by leaving dairy off your plate and the importance of self-care.
- I taught my ongoing movement class, which is how I transform exercise into joyful movement and somatic healing.
- I get to celebrate a dear friend’s big birthday—Miyoko Schinner (of Miyoko's Creamery) is turning 60! She’s fundraising for a new barn for Rancho Compasión, her farmed animal sanctuary.
- On Sunday, the 27th, I’ll have a table at WonderLove, here in Grass Valley, CA. There will be great speakers and a dance party, so come say hi and catch a boogie with me!
When we say yes to one thing, we say no to all the other things that could happen during that time. That's why it's so important to know your big YES. I've said yes to the things I did this week after making sure they were in alignment with my big YES. Otherwise, they would've been no's.
Self-care is far from SELFISH—it's about making clear choices so that we can sustainably give the world the best of us, rather than what's left of us.
What are you saying YES to?
With love,