Why Not to Give Farmed Animals as Gifts
One gift people consider giving is donations to organizations that give farmed animals to impoverished communities. On the surface, this might seem like a benevolent gesture, but it's not. I recently received a holiday "gift" catalog from one of them and did some research.
- Most recipients are lactose intolerant and harmed by dairy
- More farmed animals do not equate to less hunger
- More farmed animals mean more mouths to feed
- Farmed animals do not just “live off the land”
- Farmed animals use a great deal of water
- Animal gifting programs displace indigenous foods
- Pastoralists are switching to climate-resilient crops
- Experts disapprove of animal gifting
- Animal gifting programs are misleading
- Animal gifting programs have questionable spending
- Animal gifting programs raise concerns with charity-raters
- There are better gift-donation programs to feed people in need
Another source of information is the All Creatures website.
After educating myself, along with my request for removal, I included the note below.
"Please remove me from your mailing list immediately and do not rent/sell my information. I never requested this catalog, nor would I ever.
Promoting animals for sale as "gifts" to people who are living in poverty is cruel to animals, people, and planet. These people have little means to feed and care for the animals, and their villages are often damaged by erosion and excessive use of natural resources, like the water needed for animal agriculture.
I believe your intentions are good. Please rethink this inhumane and harmful act.
Learn more by reading this with an open mind:
Thank you,
Allison Rivers”
If your passion is helping alleviate planetary hunger, please consider donations to organizations that promote true food security through sustainability, better human health, and kindness toward non-human animals.
With love,
P.S. As always, our brilliant and talented friends at Vegan Street captured this well.