Vegan Summerfest Flash Mob: Give Love by Andy Grammer


For the past several years, my tradition at Vegan Summerfest has been to teach a Flash Mob song to everyone who comes to my movement classes at the conference.

This year, I was lucky enough to get a video of the whole song: Give Love, by one of my favorite artists, Andy Grammer (he's on tour with a new album coming out soon—he and his amazing band are not-to-be-missed, so check 'em out if they come to your town).

Vegan Summerfest is a 5-day conference and on the last night, we have a big dance party. This is the purrrrfect time to perform our Flash Mob.

Most of these people don't regularly practice this movement (some don't even dance!). They only did this choreography one or two times prior to our party.

They are always up for dance adventures with me and totally go for it. One attendee shared with tears in her eyes the healing she received from this dancing in my sessions at Summerfest. My heart leaps with happiness!

I love how the people in the "audience" got into it too. 😊

Such high energy and JOY!




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