Tropical Green Smoothie

easy vegan kitchen tips vegan recipes videos wellness

If you've ever wanted an easy way to get more greens into your diet, this is the recipe for you!

With tangy sweet pineapple, the goodness of greens, antioxidants like vitamin C and bioflavonoids, superfood chlorella, and some surprise ingredients, this smoothie is every bit as delicious as it is healthy.

I've also got some great kitchen tips for you on keeping greens fresher longer, how to prevent your coconut milk from molding, and a way to make sure you're not throwing away a valuable part of citrus. Take a look!

Tropical Green Smoothie
By Allison Rivers

Makes: 2 servings

4 cups mixed greens, loosely packed
1 - 1 1/2 cup water 
1 cup frozen pineapple
1/2 - 1 frozen banana
1/2 cup ice cubes
2 tablespoons coconut milk
1 teaspoon chlorella powder
1/2-inch piece fresh ginger


  1. In a blender, process all ingredients until smooth.

Jazz It Up

  • For a fun zing, add a fresh jalapeño to your blender!

© Recipe by Allison Rivers, MSW Coach, award-winning vegan chef, author of Quick + Easy DIY Salad BarThe Dairy-Freedom Cookbook, Comfortably Yum, and Co-Founder of The Dairy Detox.


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