Stand for Love and Kindness for ALL Beings


Sweet Friend, Today, I sit in gratitude for you. 

Thank you for sharing yourself and your journey with me. 

You bring me hope for humanity through your celebrations of triumph, curiosity about handling a particular situation, openness to living life more consciously, and desire to choose more love and kindness for all Beings, including yourself.

It's been a bit of a rough week for me with oral surgery last Friday and helping our sweet elderly cat, Bella. cross the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday. I am grateful for all the love, tranquility, and joy she shared through her presence and that we rescued her as an adult so that she wouldn't be passed by for a kitten. 

The unconditional love we feel for our non-human animal friends offers us the opportunity to open our hearts wider to make more room for LOVE for ALL.

Thank you for choosing to say YES to yourself. You matter. And I'm so grateful to have you in my life.

With love,


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