Quick Pickled Red Onions

diy easy vegan vegan recipes

Adding a pungent and tangy flavor dimension, these pickled onions are one of my favorite toppings for my DIY Salad Bar. So easy to make and even more amazing with vegan bacon bits!

Quick Pickled Red Onions
By Allison Rivers Samson 

Makes: 2 cups

1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup warm water
1 teaspoon coconut sugar (or regular sugar)
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 medium red onions, thinly sliced (try my easy DIY Salad Bar technique!)


  1. In a mason jar, combine vinegar, water, sugar, and salt. Stir until sugar and salt are fully dissolved.
  2. Add onions to the jar and submerge. Close the jar and store in the refrigerator. These are best at least one day after sitting. Pickled onions keep for 3-4 weeks in the refrigerator.
  3. Serve pickled onions atop salads and in sandwiches. Yum!

© Recipe by Allison Rivers, MSW Coach, award-winning vegan chef, author of Quick + Easy DIY Salad BarThe Dairy-Freedom Cookbook, Comfortably Yum, and Co-Founder of The Dairy Detox.


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