My New Project: The Dairy Detox!
If you've ever struggled with releasing dairy from your diet, I feel ya. It was one of the last things to go for me, and gave me some of the greatest benefits. As a mom who nursed her daughter, I became intimately aware of issues about dairy from a different perspective. My desire to help people feel their best has driven my passion to create The Dairy Detox!
Back in 2015, my dear friend Michelle Cehn and I started working on this project that is very close to my heart. I'm thrilled to finally get to announce that The Dairy Detox is now open for registration!
Even if you're already dairy-free, you probably know someone who suffers from lactose intolerance, chronic health issues, and other symptoms related to dairy consumption. In 12 days, Michelle and I give all the ins and outs of how to thrive dairy-free. I hope you'll take a look and share this with your friends, family, and co-workers!