How to Self-heal


Autumn is one of my favorite seasons. Walking or driving through our little town of Nevada City, California, I am forever gasping at the beauty of nature's colorful display. I even have specific "favorite" trees I watch throughout this time of year.

If we listen, we can hear Fall's leaf colors whispering to slow down and begin to collect ourselves for the invitation to rest in Winter. 

Slip into your own skin. Ask your body, “Love, what do you need?” An answer will arise. Follow it. Respond.

This is so far from selfish that they live on different planets. To paraphrase the words many of us have tuned out heard every time before taking a flight—you cannot survive if you don’t first feed yourself—whether it’s with oxygen, nurturing, or nourishment.

The time to take care of yourself is now. No one's going to do it for you. If you’re here to make this world a better place—and I’m 100% certain that you are—neglecting yourself will foil your efforts. Every time.

Here's why I'm so dedicated to my practice of self-care. On Sunday, I'm going to Vashon Island (where I used to live, near Seattle) to support my bestie after a major surgery and her wife. I’ve been restoring and replenishing all week so that I can be there for them. 100%. My intention is to make food, do dishes, laundry, and simply be available for whatever arises.

I would have nothing to give if I were depleted. This is why recharging our batteries is a requirement for sustaining a joyful life that includes contribution.

So, how is your body asking to be tended to today? A walk in nature with a furry friend? Dancing to your favorite tune as you fold laundry, vacuum, or wash the floors? Taking a moment to breathe into the present moment? Sitting in meditation? Snuggling with someone you love? Enjoying a delicious healthy meal? There are so many ways to take care of ourselves and many of them don’t cost a dime.

If you’re in need of some love and care, I got you. Download my free Self-care Starter Kit for some ideas to help you begin your practice.

Here’s to your self-healing and the ripples of contribution and healing that will naturally emerge from it.

With love,

Photo credit: Olivia Rivers Samson



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