How to Raise the Love Vibration


A few years ago, Olivia and I created a game of "Spread the Love."

We look for people who may be having a tough day/moment, catch their eye, smile and say, "I love the way your ____ highlights your _____." or something like that. From their response, it seems like it can shift their whole day. 

Here's an example: Recently, I saw an elder woman with the most gorgeous blue eyes that were extra vibrant because of the reflection from the perfectly matched blue jacket she wore. I made the effort to mention it to her and she got the biggest smile on her face. I could feel the warmth our hearts were sharing in that moment.

This is a quick way to elevate the love energy and raise the vibration of our planet, two people at a time. 💜

Test it out and see what happens.

For more inspiration, here are a couple of my favorite songs about this:

Give Love by Andy Grammer
Give Love by MC Yogi

With love,



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