How often do you follow your hunches?


Do you ever struggle to know which path to take or how to respond to a situation? The easiest way to find the answer is to ask your intuition. If you think you’re not intuitive or aren’t quite sure how to listen to that inner voice, read on.

Intuition is an automatic tool just waiting to be used. And everyone can connect to it. The key is to practice so you can recognize that inner knowing when it shows up.

In this two-part series, we’ll explore the sixth sense and what you can do to make it stronger. Today, I’ll cover the four main avenues for receiving intuition.

Most people aren’t sure if they’re intuitive, but have an inkling that they might be. 

Do you ever get ideas when you’re in the shower, regularly have vivid dreams, experience stretches of “synchronicity,” get a gut feeling that turns out to be true, or suddenly just “know” something even though you have no idea how you know?

I feel pretty safe guessing that you said yes to at least one of those. That’s because we all have the ability to tune into our intuition.

The four main ways intuitive guidance comes in are called “clairs” meaning “clear”:

  • Clairvoyance means “clear vision” and it’s when we get a visual picture, as in thoughts or dreams.
  • Clairaudience is “clear audio” when we hear something that seems to come from out of nowhere.
  • Claircognizance or “clear cognition” is that automatic knowing that comes like a clear instant download. It’s when we say, “I don’t know how I know; I just know.”
  • Clairsentience represents the “clear sensing” of a physical sensation in the body kind of like of gut reaction or it can be a tingling in the chest or anything that is felt in the body.

Does one (or two) of these feel more familiar than the others? If so, that’s probably your primary intuitive modality!

If you’re not sure which is your primary “clair,” your learning style can be a hint. I’ll be covering that in the webinar too so I can help you figure it out.

For this next week, pay extra attention and see what you notice.

With love,


Note: As I understand it, part of the distinction between intuition and mental illness focuses on the nature and persistence of the images, sounds, and thoughts. For example, intuition is usually helpful, comforting, preserving, and can be turned off, whereas the messages one receives from something like schizophrenia tend to be more harmful (to self or others), degrading, negative, and cannot be turned off.


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