Good Morning Smoothies

vegan recipes

Lately, people have been asking me what I eat for breakfast. Those who decide to try my morning ritual are excited by how good they feel with this way of “breaking the fast” of the previous night. So, I figured it was time to share it in more detail, especially now that green smoothies and green drinks have rightfully gained popularity.

One noteworthy mention is that my morning smoothies are continually evolving. My husband and daughter make them for me each morning (lucky Mama!) and I’m always changing it up, which is why the photo doesn’t show everything in my list of ingredients. So, here’s what my all-organic, high-octane morning smoothie is (currently) made of:

Good Morning Smoothie

By Allison Rivers

1 banana (frozen is nice)
1 handful of raw kale (you might start with one leaf at a time)
1 tablespoon flax oil
1/4 cup hemp seeds
2 tablespoons vanilla rice protein powder
1/4 teaspoon spirulina powder
1 tablespoon maca powder
1-2 cups pure water

1. Add everything to a blender and process until completely smooth.

2. Pour into a glass and enjoy with or without a straw!


  • Use your favorite non-dairy milk instead of water, add: frozen berries or any other fruit, other superfoods, 3 drops liquid stevia, or anything else you like–make it your own creation!
  • This nutrient-packed smoothie gives you a boost of protein and greens as well as plenty of Omegas from the flax oil and hemp seeds. Spirulina is a high protein (emerald green) superfood and Maca is a great adaptogen (normalizer) for the adrenals.

© Recipe by Allison Rivers, MSW Coach, award-winning vegan chef, author of Quick + Easy DIY Salad BarThe Dairy-Freedom Cookbook, Comfortably Yum, and Co-Founder of The Dairy Detox.


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