DIY Vegan Silver Polish

diy kitchen tips vegan recipes videos

I love my silver jewelry, but I don't love having to use nasty chemical silver polishes when it tarnishes.

To keep my silver sparkly bright, I found a way to make chemistry work for me by using ingredients in my kitchen so I don't have to use toxic chemicals that are bad for me and have been tested on animals.

As a homeschooling mom, I love this trick as a way to teach kids (of all ages) about the brilliance of chemistry. Bonus!

Check out my video above to get the details on how you can make your own vegan silver polish.

DIY Vegan Silver Polish

By Allison Rivers

What to Use
medium bowl
strip of aluminum foil
2 tablespoons baking soda
2 tablespoons salt (use the cheap kind—I didn't have any)
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 cup boiling water
tarnished silver jewelry or silverware
bowl of room temperature water for rinsing

How to Use It

  1. Line the bowl with the strip of aluminum foil.
  2. Add the baking soda and salt.
  3. Pour in vinegar and boiling water and watch the magic!
  4. Drop in your silver and swirl for about a minute.
  5. Using tongs, transfer to the bowl of water to rinse off the salt, and dry.

© Recipe by Allison Rivers, MSW Coach, award-winning vegan chef, author of Quick + Easy DIY Salad BarThe Dairy-Freedom Cookbook, Comfortably Yum, and Co-Founder of The Dairy Detox.


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